

Conduct business with confidence, even where you lack established relationships, through the use of guarantees and standby letters of credit. An HSBC guarantee could enable you to negotiate favourable terms with buyers and suppliers by protecting them from non-performance under a contract while addressing your financing needs. HSBC offers tailored solutions including performance, advance payment, tender, warranty, financial guarantees and standby letters of credit as well as others upon request.
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Export finance

Gain more control over exports, improve cashflow and manage risks associated with international trade more effectively.
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Liquidity, liability and investments

Increase the efficiency of your operations by managing cash on a portfolio basis across more than 50 markets around the world.
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Trade Transaction Tracker

A quick and easy way to access your trade transactions…anytime, anywhere. At HSBC, we continue to provide innovative tools to help make your life easier 24/7. And now, the HSBCnet Mobile app includes the new Trade Transaction Tracker.
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HSBC Supply Chain Finance e-platform

A faster and simpler way to manage your supply chain and access working capital on an e-platform.
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Common Electronic Fund Transfer Switch (CEFTS) Real-Time Direct Debits

With CEFTS Real-Time Direct Debits, you can now receive money in real time, anytime anywhere. You’ll receive instant credit notifications to help you manage working capital, cash flow and receivables simpler and faster.
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